Intern practice requirements
People’s Community Clinic - In 2004 the AOMA Student Clinic increased their treatment opportunities by adding the free-of-charge acupuncture clinic inside of the People’s Community Clinic located in North Austin at 1101 Camino La Costa, 78752, (512) 478-4939. Here, low-income patients may be referred by their Western medical practitioner for free acupuncture treatments performed by AOMA student interns. This clinic is currently offered on Wednesday evenings. Appointments may be scheduled through the People’s Community Clinic.
Seton Healthcare Family's McCarthy Community Clinic – In 2011 the AOMA Student clinic added low cost acupuncture treatments inside of the Seton McCarthy Community Clinic in east Austin at 2811 East Second Street, Austin, TX 78702, (512) 324-4930. Here, low-income patients may be referred by their western medical practitioner for $5 acupuncture treatments by AOMA student interns. This clinic is currently offered on Wednesdays & appointments may be scheduled through the Seton McCarthy Community Health Center.
Veterans Affairs Austin Out Patient Clinic – Late in 2016, AOMA Student Clinic expanded to serving veterans at the VA’s Austin Out Patient Clinic at 7901 Metropolis Drive, Austin, TX 78744. Veterans with chronic pain and on opioids may be referred for acupuncture by their primary care provider. The clinic is on Fridays.