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Acupuncture for Ears, Nose, and Throat (Disorders)

Are you suffering with your ear nose and throat problems?

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help with your ear nose and throat problems! Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) disorders include everything from allergies and hearing issues to vertigo and thyroid diseases, with nearly 50% of Western medical office visits pertaining to this branch of medicine.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Otorhinolaryngology studies the diseases of the ear, nose, and throat under the guidance of TCM theories, which teach that the sensory organs are connected to the internal organs. The ear is connected to the Kidney, the nose is associated with the Lung, while the throat is related to the Stomach, Lung, and Spleen. Because these sensory organs are susceptible to external factors like cold and wind, they can easily succumb to illness and infection. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs treat ENT disorders by assessing the internal organs rather than just focusing on the symptoms and signs, thereby getting to the root of the issue. Many ENT disorders are brought on by stress, excess tension, and related weakness in the immune system, all of which respond extremely well to TCM. Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for many ENT conditions, including dizziness, earaches, hay fever, nerve deafness, tinnitus, sinusitis, sore throat, postnasal drip, dysphonia, and cough.


Acupuncture, the most well-known traditional Chinese medical procedure, is the practice of inserting thin needles into the body at specific points to relieve pain or treat a disease. Acupuncture triggers spontaneous healing reactions in the body, and scientific studies have proven its efficacy for treating inflammation, pain, depression, and a host of other disorders.

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Not all practitioners are available all days & times, so please try to schedule about a week ahead of time if your needs are specific.

(800) 824-9987 | (512) 454-1188

4701 West Gate Blvd., Austin, TX 78745

(512) 454-7001

AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine

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